.... Now that Emerson Salon has shed it's previous skin and moved to its new location inside Mosaic Studios- it's time to continue actively contributing to the objectives of supporting human rights and/or the Personal Services industry! We believe the autonomy of small business cosmetology, supporting YOU to be YOU
- and determining your own unique happiness in life....and hair!

Emerson Salon's 2021 Quarter 3 Donation Goes To.......
Ingersoll Gender Center! Huzzah!
"Ingersoll is one of the oldest organizations by and for transgender and gender nonconforming communities in the United States. Officially formed in 1977, Ingersoll Gender Center has been building community, connecting folks to resources and advocating for our communities in the Puget Sound region for over four decades."
This quarter a total of $465.00 was contributed to Ingersoll as it represented around 20-30% of net profits from online and in store retail sales. You are not just purchasing hair products- you are supporting the culmination of a more just and supportive world of marginalized communities and/or the Personal Services Industry!
We can all work hard to give back .... so we encourage you to support a non-profit you are passionate about!
----- Or just keep buying quality haircare through Emerson Salon and we will do the rest.